CRA-DMP Evaluation Report #1

1994 and 1995 Mentor Survey Results

The data presented in this section is from an emailed survey sent to the 1994 and 1995 mentors of the CRA-DMP. Out of the 38 mentors who participated in 1994 and/or 1995, 21 responded. Ten of the mentors who responded had one student throughout their participation in the program. The remainder (11) had two or more throughout their participation. Associated with the 21 mentors who responded were the 34 students who they mentored.

This section is broken down into two categories. In the first, we will present the results which do not deal specifically with the students. These are tallied by the number (21) of mentors that responded. In the second section we will present the results of the questions in the survey which specifically ask about the student. Since there were 34 total students associated with the number of mentors who responded, the tally in this section is 34.

Importance of Matching Mentor and Student Interests (Question 17)
(N=21) Number of Responses Percent
Extremely Important 8 38%
Important 6 29%
Important to the extent that the undergraduate has definite interests 5 24%
Not Important 0 0%
If students motivated enough, it doesn't matter 2 10%

Expectations of Student Contribution to Mentor's Research (Question 18)
(N=21) Number of Responses Percent
None at all 2 10%
Very little 3 14%
Somewhat 10 48%
A fair amount 3 14%
A lot 3 14%

Overall Satisfaction with Program (Question 25)
(N=21) Number of Responses Percent
Not at all satisfied 1 5%
Not very satisfied 1 5%
Somewhat satisfied 3 14%
Satisfied 13 62%
Very satisfied 3 14%

Issues Discussed with Student (Question 13)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Selecting a graduate school 27 79%
Research opportunities 27 79%
Succeeding in graduate school 28 82%
Selecting thesis/research topic 16 47%
Study skills 21 62%
Application to graduate school 21 62%
Career opportunities and options 32 94%
Fellowship opportunities 11 32%
Interviewing advice 4 12%
Job applications 3 9%
Letter of reference 26 76%
Resume development 8 24%
Balancing family and work 13 38%
Crisis intervention 1 3%
Departmental politics 6 18%
Networking/professional contacts 9 26%
Advice re: publishing, etc. 18 53%
Advice re: minority status 2 6%
Sexual harassment 7 21%
Self-image and self-confidence 21 62%
Time management 15 44%
Other 7 21%

Student was in Area of Scientific Interest (Question 14)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Yes 21 62%
No 8 24%
Undergraduates lack the knowledge to have definite area of interest 5 15%

Satisfaction with Mentor-Student Match (Question 16)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Not at all satisfied 9%
Not very satisfied 0 0%
Somewhat satisfied 5 15%
Satisfied 7 21%
Very satisfied 17 50%
Not applicable, picked students herself 3 12 6%

Satisfaction with Student's Technical Abilities (Question 17)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Not at all satisfied 3 9%
Not very satisfied 4 12%
Somewhat satisfied 0 0%
Satisfied 13 38%
Very satisfied 14 41%

Student Contribution to Mentor's Research (Question 19)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Much less than expected 4 12%
Less than expected 3 9%
What expected 10 29%
More than expected 12 35%
Much more than expected 5 15%

Overall Satisfaction with Student (Question 20)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Not at all satisfied 3 9%
Not very satisfied 1 3%
Somewhat satisfied 2 6%
Satisfied 8 24%
Very satisfied 20 59%

Degree Which Participation Has Taken Away From Mentor's Research Progress (Question 21)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
None at all 7 21%
Very little 12 35%
Somewhat 11 32%
A fair amount 2 6%
Too much 2 6%

Rating of How Closely Expectations of Amount of Time Spent with Student were Met (Question 22)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Much less than expected 1 3%
Less than expected 5 15%
What expected 21 62%
More than expected 4 12%
Much more than expected 3 9%

Views Toward Amount of Time Spent with Student (Question 23)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Didn't feel like spent any time 0 0%
Didn't feel like spent enough time 15 44%
Spent the right amount of time 15 44%
Spent too much time 2 6%
Spent way too much time 2 6%

Rating the Effectiveness of the Mentor Experience (Question 26)
(N=34) Number of Responses Percent
Not at all effective 3 9%
Somewhat effective 4 12%
Effective 20 59%
Very effective 7 21%

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